Exploring the Various Styles of Knit Textiles

Explorando los diversos estilos de tejidos de punto

Tejer es una forma de manipulación del hilo en la que los bucles se entrelazan para crear telas o textiles. Este tipo de tela consta de filas horizontales conocidas como hileras y filas verticales denominadas columnas. Los tejidos de punto se utilizan en varios artículos cotidianos, desde ropa hasta ropa de cama.

El proceso de tejer requiere una manipulación cuidadosa de los bucles de hilo. Para crear la tela, uno debe tirar de bucles consecutivos a través del bucle de una fila anterior. Esta acción entrelazada forma una serie de bucles conectados que producen el material tejido.

Los tejidos de punto son famosos para ropa, mantas y otros artículos que requieren calidez o flexibilidad. Tejer es solo un tipo de estructura de tela; las telas tejidas, no tejidas y trenzadas también son estándar. Cada uno tiene su apariencia, ventajas y desventajas distintas. El tipo de tela que seleccione depende de lo que esté creando y del resultado deseado. Conocer los diferentes tipos de materiales disponibles puede ayudarlo a tomar una decisión informada.

1. Tejidos de punto de trama

Los tejidos de punto de trama generalmente se componen de varias materias primas, como hilo de algodón, hilo mezclado, seda de poliéster de baja elasticidad o seda de poliéster de forma particular, seda de nylon, hilo de algodón, hilo de lana y seda spandex. Estos materiales se tejen utilizando varios métodos, incluida la organización de puntada simple (que contiene punto básico, cambio de puntada simple, tejido acanalado simple y tejido simple acanalado doble), organización de jacquard y organización de círculos de lana. La elasticidad, la suavidad, la resistencia a las arrugas y la textura tipo cabello son características estándar de las telas tejidas por trama. El tejido de punto de trama de algodón tiene buena absorción de humedad y permeabilidad al aire; sin embargo, el material no es crujiente y es propenso a arrugarse y aflojarse. Por otro lado, es más probable que el tejido de punto de fibra química tenga pelusa, bolitas o seda con ganchos.


Las principales categorías de tejidos de punto de trama son las siguientes:

Tejido de punto de poliéster

Este tejido se adapta a la ropa de hombres, mujeres y niños. Es un material muy resistente al desgaste, elástico y de gran atractivo visual. Tiene una estructura compacta y gruesa, por lo que es ideal para chaquetas, trajes, ropa deportiva, ropa de yoga, ropa para el aire libre, cortavientos, chalecos, faldas y otras prendas. La tela presenta colores brillantes y texturas nítidas que se asemejan a los estilos de tweed de lana. La coordinación de colores es armoniosa y los detalles del tejido son claros y distintos.

Tejido de punto de algodón

Una opción popular en muchos tipos de ropa y accesorios. Se puede encontrar en prendas como camisetas, ropa interior, ropa casual, chaquetas, trajes, gabardinas e incluso ropa para niños. Este tipo de tela es conocida por su textura suave y su tacto mullido. También tiene buena elasticidad y la capacidad de retener el calor. Los tipos populares de tejido de algodón de punto incluyen tela lisa, tela de sudor, algodón mercerizado, tela con capucha, capa de aire, tela romana y tela de doble cara. Estos tejidos son de excelente calidad, lo que los hace ideales para diversas prendas de vestir.

Tejido de punto de algodón con cubierta de poliéster

La tela, confeccionada con una mezcla de poliéster y algodón, es ideal para crear camisas, chaquetas y ropa deportiva. Sus fibras resistentes a las arrugas lo hacen increíblemente fácil de cuidar y su composición resistente al desgaste permite un uso prolongado. También es altamente transpirable, lo que lo hace cómodo cuando se usa contra la piel. Además, es suave al tacto, por lo que es una excelente opción para prendas. La tela también se tiñe en una variedad de colores y matices.

Tejidos de fibra de celulosa reciclada

They are a popular choice for clothing and include Tencel fabric, Modal fabric, bamboo fiber fabric, viscose fabric, and copper ammonia fabric. These fabrics are soft, with good heat retention properties and high luster. Knitted garments like t-shirts, underwear, leggings, and skirts are often made from these fabrics. Their lightweight yet durable qualities make them an excellent option for everyday wear. Various materials allow designers to create unique looks to suit any style or occasion. Recycled cellulose fiber fabrics can be easily washed and maintained to keep garments looking new for years to come. These fabrics can provide a luxurious look and feel with the proper care. They are also more environmentally friendly than traditional fabrics, making them an increasingly popular choice for fashion-conscious consumers.

2.Warp knitted fabrics

Warp-knitted fabrics are generally made from synthetic filament materials like polyester, nylon, vinylon, and polypropylene. Alternatively, they may be constructed with natural fibers like cotton, wool, silk, or hemp blended with chemical fibers. This type of fabric provides good longitudinal stability, a crisp feel, and less dispersion. Air permeability is also good, but its lateral extension, elasticity, and softness are weaker than weft-knitted fabrics.

Warp-knitted fabrics are highly durable and ideal for technical and medical textiles, protective clothing, and automotive interiors. Warp knitting has many practical applications in the textile industry due to its unique characteristics. It is commonly used to make lingerie, socks, decorative ribbons, trimmings, swimwear, and upholstery. It is also used as a reinforcement in rubber products such as tires and hoses.

Warp knitting is much faster than weft knitting because it does not require reinserting the yarn into the knitted fabric. This means shorter production times and cost savings for manufacturers, making warp knitting a popular choice for large-scale production. The materials can also be manipulated to create complex patterns with more control than other types of knitting. Warp knitting has become essential in many industries, and technological advancements continue to lead to new possibilities.

The main categories of warp-knitted fabrics are as follows:

Polyester warp-knitted fabric

A popular choice for apparel due to its flat texture and bright colors. It usually comes in two weights; thin and thick. Light polyester warp-knitted fabrics are often used for making shirts and skirts, while medium and thick materials can be used for other garments such as jackets, coats, suits, trousers, and more.

Warp knitted pile fabric.

This fabric is commonly used to produce winter garments such as men’s and women’s coats, trench coats, jackets, and trousers. It has a pleasing drape, is easy to wash, dries quickly, and can be ironed. However, it is prone to static accumulation and can easily attract dust.

Furthermore, when used with other fabrics such as wool or acrylic, its static property increases, attracting more dust. To reduce this, special anti-static finishes can be applied to the fabric. This helps protect it from dirt and dust, making the material more durable and easier to clean.

In conclusion, warp-knitted pile fabric is ideal for winter garments due to its superior drape, easy washing, quick drying, and ironing ability. It should be noted that it is susceptible to static and dust accumulation and therefore requires special anti-static finishing or other treatments to reduce this.

Warp-knitted mesh fabric

Mesh fabric with a thin texture and excellent elasticity features a soft, soft touch. It also boasts excellent air permeability, ideal for summer apparel like men’s and women’s shirts. Its versatile nature makes it a popular choice among fashion designers and consumers.

Warp-knitted velvet fabric

The surface of warp-knitted velvet fabric is thick and plush, making it incredibly soft. Its elasticity and heat-retention capabilities make it an ideal choice for winter clothing and children’s apparel. It is a luxurious material that provides warmth, comfort, and class. Its thick pile adds a pleasing texture to any garment. Thus, it is becoming increasingly popular for its versatility and elegance. Whether you’re looking for a cozy winter coat or an elegant party dress, this fabric will make a statement. Its sumptuous texture and luxurious feel make it the perfect choice for any occasion.

Warp knitted loop fabric.

This fabric has a complete and thick consistency, thanks to its solid yet supple cloth body. It is elastic, absorbs moisture well, and provides good warmth. It is characterized by a stable loop structure and superior wearability and is mainly used for sportswear, lapel T-shirts, pajamas, and children’s clothing. Its versatility makes it a popular choice for many apparel applications.

Knitted fabrics are made from various materials, including natural fibers like cotton, hemp, silk, and wool, and synthetic fibers like acrylic, polyester, and spandex. Such fabrics feature good elasticity, moisture absorption, warmth, and comfort. They have a wide variety of patterns, colors, and textures. Knitted fabrics can be classified according to weaving, dyeing, finishing, and other processing methods. Each type of fabric has its unique characteristics. Thus, knitted materials can be used for various types of apparel for men, women, and children.